9-15-2024 Dealing With Conflicts of the World – David O’Connell
9-15-2024 The Invitation of Christ – Daivd O’Connell
9-08-2024 Psalms 19 – David O’Connell
9-08-2024 Church Growth – David O’Connell
9-01-2024 The Judgement – David O’Connell
8-25-2024 Barnabas, The Son of Encouragement – David O’Connell
8-18-2024 The Word of Life – David O’Connell
8-18-2024 Persuading People To Receive Christ – David O’Connell
8-11-2024 How To Deal With Offenses – David O’Connell
8-4-2024 Divorce – David O’Connell
07-28-2024 Preaching – David O’Connell
07-28-2024 Profound Significance of “I Do” – David O’Connell
07-21-2024 Why The Bible Is Still Relevant – David O’Connell
07-14-2024 Unusual Things About Gideon – David O’Connell
07-07-2024 Missionary Report – Wayne Barrier
07-07-2024 Deepening Relationships – David O’Connell
06-30-2024 Priorties Of A Christian’s Life – David O’Connell
06-30-2024 Freedoms Christians Have In Christ – David O’Connell
06-09-2024 Motivation For Christians – David O’Connell
06-03-2024 The One Job of the Chruch – Andy Erwin
05-26-2024 Sticking To It – David O’Connell
05-26-2024 Remembering Jesus – David O’Connell
05-19-2024 The Authority of the Scriptures – David O’Connell
05-19-2024 Perishing of the Lost – David O’Connell
05-12-2024 1 Peter 2:17 – David O’Connell
05-12-2024 Eve – David O’Connell
05-05-2024 Peter the Fisherman – David O’Connell
04-28-2024 Parable of the Sower – David O’Connell
04-21-2024 Christian Warfare – David O’Connell
04-14-2024 Fundamentals of Faith Part Two – David O’Connell
04-14-2024 Fundamentals of Faith – David O’Connell
04-07-2024 Obedience – David O’Connell
03-31-2024 The Great Commission – David O’Connell
03-31-2024 The Resurrection – David O’Connell
03-24-2024 Duties of Christians Towards One Another Part 2 – David O’Connell
03-24-2024 Duties of Christians Towards One Another -David O’Connell
03-17-2024 Have The Mind of Christ -David O’Connell
03-10-2024 Tricks of Satan Part 2 – David O’Connell
03-10-2024 The Tricks of Satan – David O’Connell
03-03-2024 Trusting by Faith – David O’Connell
02-25-2024 On To Perfection – David O’Connell
02-18-2024 Hindrances of Communications in Marriage – David O’Connell
02-18-2024 Communication in Marriage – David O’Connell
02-11-2024 Why God Hates Divorce – David O’Connell
02-04-2024 Giving As We Should – David O’Connell
01-28-2024 James 1:19-27 – David O’Connell
01-28-2024 The Value of Prophecy – David O’Connell
01-07-2024 Zechariah Chapter 8 – David O’Connell